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Pretty words

As a person who is, and always been, awful at stringing her words together eloquently (admittedly probably due to my social anxiety and general awkwardness) it's kind of odd that I have this obsession with pretty words. I love learning new weird and wonderful words and proceeding to (try and) sprinkle them throughout my vocabulary as much as possible.

So I compiled a list (Yes. Another list.) of some of my favourites. I'm not going to go into detail or anything but this did take me quite a while to make as I made these little edits myself, so I hope you enjoy!

1. Cascading

2. Incandescent

3. Mystical

4. Sentient

5. Infatuation

6. Euphoria

7. Psychedelic

8. Intertwining

9. Iridescent

10. Epiphany

11. Metaphorical

12. Infinite

13. Luminescence

14. Solidarity

15. Aurora

16. Oblivion

17. Ephemeral

18. Ecstasy

19. Soliloquy

20. Eloquence

There we go! Let me know if you liked this as it's a little different from usual and let me know what you're favourite word is!

Thank you for reading
IndieSongLyrics Xx

26 thoughts on “Pretty words

  1. Great post – some really interesting words and such pretty edits too! My favourite word has to be komorebi – I think it’s Japanese and means the sunlight filtering through the trees. I just love the idea that there’s a word for that. Please make this into a series! ☺️ x

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I guess you listed some of the most beautiful words of the English language! 🙂 My favourite word is ‘hiraeth’ which describes a ‘homesickness for a home you can’t return to, or that never was’… 😉 x Larey

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This list is basically a compilation of some of my favourite words ever because of how much they inspire me!! I love the way you’ve edited the pictures as well – they look so beautiful 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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